let’s get this party started…

and i did. by making not one but 2 fairly successful meals in an evening. on top of that, i managed to even take a quickie nap. this is unusual because i spend all day at work thinking about what i’ll cook for dinner after work and getting home thinking mostly about preparing and cooking and praying for the outcome of that meal to be a tasty one. this is a time consuming routine and usually results in my overthinking and overstressing.. something i prefer to keep to a minimum.

alas, things went better than expected. though lately my confidence has been low which has apparently lowered my standards a bit, so who knows?

upon getting home at 5:15ish (15 or so mins earlier than usual) i immediately threw some tri-colored rotini into a pot of boiling water and began chopping red and green bell peppers and chunks of ham. i was SO hungry and had been thinking of how easy it would be to whip up a quick pasta salad. since i’d never made one from scratch, only from those boxes of Pasta Salad Sensation or whatever it’s called, i wanted to play it safe. i was going for a clean, fresh, summery taste anyway. nothing overpowering with tons of ranch or mayo. the overall result was a tiny bit bland, could have used a little more mayo and italian dressing, but ultimately was what i had aimed for. i was pleased. there’s a lot left and i am looking forward to snacking on it after work tomorrow.

because byron and i have decided to bring leftovers for lunch this week, he has limited time for lunch and i have limited funds for lunch, i made a second dish. another quick one, only this time it was a bisquick recipe called impossibly easy cheeseburger pie. it was impossibly easy. it called for like 5 ingredients, including salt, and took almost no time to put together. of course, as it’s a cheap, easy bisquick recipe, that’s what it tasted like. wasn’t terrible, but i likely won’t make it again.

ok blog, i’ll get the hang of this sooner or later. i’ll begin posting pictures and recipes as i hone my cooking and blogging skills.

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here’s my new blog

for to make comments on your blog and write about/ discuss my usually disastrous and upsetting attempts in the kitchen.

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